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Dr Rebecca Shipley's Tissue Modelling Group
UCL Mechanical Engineering


Simão Laranjeira

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate

Academic Background

Simão completed a MEng degree in Electric and Electronic engineering at Kings College London in 2011. An interest in biomedical engineering was sparked when he had the opportunity to develop a group project and then masters project on Microwave imaging of Breast Cancer supervised by Dr Panagiotis Kosmas. The focus of this work involved creating a realistic in silicomodel of breast tumours.

In 2011, he was accepted for a position in the Centre for Doctoral Training at Oxford University funded by the EPSRC. There he developed a short project on neuron glutamate excitotoxicity during ischaemic stroke supervised by Dr Stephen J. Payne. This collaboration continued into his DPhil where pathological mechanisms common to many neuro degenerative diseases were investigated. These included cytotoxic oedema and pro-resolving inflammatory mechanisms.

He is currently a post-doctoral research associate under Dr Rebecca Shipley developing a multiphasic model to quantify the impact of oxygenation and angiogenic growth factor on distribution on cell proliferation and death in the context of peripheral nerve repair.

Simão is funded through the EPSRC.


  • DPhil in Mathematical Modelling of Neurodegenerative diseases at University of Oxford (2017)
  • MEng in Electro and Electronic Engineering at King’s College London (2011)


  • Laranjeira S., Symmonds M., Palace J., Payne S. J., Orlowski P. (2017). A mathematical model of cellular swelling in Neuromyelitis Optica. Journal of Theoretical Biology.
  • Laranjeira S., Regan-Komito D., Iqbal A.J., Greaves D.R., Payne S.J., Orlowski P. (2017). A model for the optimizing of anti- inflammatory treatment with chemerin. Interface Focus.

Conference Proceedings

  • Laranjeira S., Regan-Komito D., Iqbal A.J., Greaves D.R., Payne S.J., Orlowski P. (2016). Towards optimising anti-inflammatory treatment with chemerin.
Virtual Physiological Human. Amsterdam, Holland. (Presentation)
  • Laranjeira S., Symmonds M., Palace J., Payne S. J., Orlowski P. (2015). Using mathematical modelling to test the therapeutical potential of CD59 to mitigate astrocytic oedema due to Neuromyelistis Optica. Brain. Vancouver, Canada. (Poster)
  • Laranjeira S., Symmonds M., Palace J., Payne S. J., Orlowski P. (2014). Determination of the role of AQP-4 channels in Neuromyelitis Optica through Mathematical Modelling, Virtual Physiological Human. Trondheim, Norway. (Poster)
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