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Human Organ Atlas Hub


Training and Resources

Introduction to the ESRF HOAHub: Creating an Atlas of Human Organs in Health, Ageing and Disease

Event Details:

  • Date and time: 07 February 2024
  • Location: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
  • Joining instruction:  User-Dedicated Microsymposium at ESRF User Meeting 2024

Event Recordings:

Introduction to HOAHub & How to apply, Peter Lee

Introduction to HiP-CT, Claire Walsh

Imaging intact human lungs with local resolution of cellular structures using hierarchical phase contrast tomography, Stijn Verleden

On statistical summaries of collections of shapes in 3-dimensional images, Jon Sporring

Step inside the ESRF BM18 beamline with Joseph Brunet

Hands-on HOA data download & vis. Demonstration, Joseph Brunet


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