UCL Racing Shell Eco-marathon 2017

The UCL Racing Shell Eco-marathon team and their prototype.
Team Members
- Ahmed Khalil,
- Rajan Rai
- Ingvild Peersen
- Jason Biddlecombe
- Stefanos Ziomas
- Daniel Wheller
- Stephane Couvreur
- Tinius Biermann
The Project
The Shell Eco-marathon brings together University teams from all over Europe to play a role in shifting the focus towards energy solutions our environment can sustain.
The ‘Prototype’ category is built around uncompromising fuel efficiency, with all non-essential equipment removed, in order to eliminate every gram of weight.
UCLR Shell Eco set out to redesign the interior components to eliminate materials like steel and replace them with aluminium. In addition, the power train was redeveloped into a hybridised design.
The Design
When design work is carried out for UCLR Shell Eco-marathon, maximising fuel efficiency permeates every aspect of the decision making process. Challenging every component’s weight and overall efficiency contribution means going further to find the best materials and methods available.
Our car utilises a monocoque design completely made out of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer to achieve ultimate strength to weight ratio. The drive train is hybridised to provide power when needed, while allowing the fuel cell to operate at it is most efficient point. Fuel efficiency reached was 340 km/m3 or 1100 km/L of gasoline equivalent.
UCL Racing Shell Eco-marathon on the web
Read about the 2017 Shell-Eco marathon.
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