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London Ocean Group


Consultation on the UK Marine Strategy

A chance for you to provide input

This is a government consultation that is open until June 20th.

Consultation on the UK Marine Strategy

The overview, draft strategy and links to provide your own input are here.

Defra, the Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs Northern Ireland, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government are seeking views on the UK’s updated assessment of the progress made towards achieving Good Environmental Status for UK Seas and the proposed objectives, targets and indicators that will be used for the next 6 year cycle.

The consultation covers the assessment of progress made towards achieving the targets set for GES in the Marine Strategy part 1 in 2012. These relate to biological diversity, non-indigenous species, commercially exploited fish and shellfish, food webs, human-induced eutrophication, sea floor integrity, hydrographical conditions, contaminants, contaminants in fish and other seafood, marine litter and introduction of energy (including underwater noise).

It also sets out proposals for updated high level objectives, targets and operational targets to be used for 2018 to 2024. These build on those set in 2012 and take account of the assessment findings and developments toward achieving coordinated targets, indicators and thresholds nationally, in the European Union and in the OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the North East Atlantic.

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