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London Ocean Group



June 8th

World Oceans Day is nearly here...


June 8th every year is World Oceans Day, and although coronavirus obviously means that there won’t be many live events this year, there are still plenty of celebrations in the pipeline.  We’ll be maintaining a list here, and if you know of more that could be added please contact Helen (@helenczerski on twitter) so that we can make this list as inclusive and awesome as possible!

The main World Oceans Day webpage is here:

and the official UN portal is here:

World Oceans Day for Schools has lots of school material here:


Then on to individual events, podcasts, programmes and more…

Helen’s BBC4 programme on the state of our oceans, Ocean Autopsy, will be broadcast on BBC4 at 9pm on June 8th.

Royal Museums Greenwich will be having a whole day of online activities, talks and other events for World Oceans Day.

The University of Southampton will re-run their FutureLearn course “Exploring our Ocean”, starting on June 8th.  You can find out more here.

Aberdeen University will be sharing their Song of the Oceans (more to follow, but see the item at the bottom of this webpage)

The Sustainable Ocean Alliance has a whole range of events, running through the whole week.  Programme here.

Incredible Oceans are having a WOD pub quiz:

and they’ll be webcasting an oceans Q&A at 6pm on their YouTube channel.

Sea Shambles is now online, the Cosmic Shambles Network show that would have been at the Royal Albert Hall.  It’s over three hours of ocean celebration and entertainment, with music, comedy and science, hosted by Robin Ince and Helen Czerski.  Guests include physicst Professor Brian Cox, astronaut Chris Hadfield, actor and ocean advocate Cobie Smulders, rock band British Sea Power, science broadcaster Liz Bonnin, poet Lemn Sissay, comedian Josie Long, climate scientist Dr Tamsin Edwards, comedian Katy Brand, actor Reece Shearsmith, musician Steve Pretty and many many more.

The Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative presents Song of the Oceans, a collaboration between arts and sciences, here,

The Thames Estuary Partnership hosts a fun and informative boat tour down the River Thames, and this year they’ve taken it online.   The Thames is London’s gateway to the ocean, and this will  be a virtual tour that anyone can access, to be launched on World Ocean Day,  We’ll be featuring different locations along the tidal Thames, linked to a podcast.  Keep up to date with the tour through #TouroftheThames on twitter.

Cheltenham Science Festival is running online this year, and there are three ocean events which will be available on catch up after the initial broadcast.  You can find the full line-up here.  The three events are a Sustainable Development Goals discussion, and talks called “Our Ocean” and “MOSAiC: the biggest polar expedition in history”.

You might also be interested in the Drop the S campaign, a focus on why we should refer to the global ocean, not oceanS.  They’re all connected!

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