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London Ocean Group


Ocean Resources

A list of ocean-related resources

A scientific perspective on microplastics in nature and society
A report on the current evidence on health, environmental and societal impacts of nano- and microplastic pollution.

A scientific perspective on microplastics in nature and society: List of conclusions
A list of conclusions from SAPEA’s Evidence Review Report on micro- and nanoplastic pollution, published in January 2019. The report is written by a group of world-leading experts nominated by academies across Europe.

Foresight Future of the Sea: A Report from the Government Chief Scientific Adviser
From Captain Cook, to Turner and the Royal Navy, the sea is embedded in our culture and history, but what will it mean for the UK to be successful maritime nation in the 21st century, and beyond? That is the key question that this report seeks to answer.

30×30: A Blueprint For Ocean Protection executive summary
30×30: A Blueprint for Ocean Protection builds on a scientific study by a team of experts which was led by Professor Callum Roberts to design a marine protected area network for the high seas.

30×30: A Blueprint For Ocean Protection report
How we can protect 30% of our oceans by 2030.


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